There are many causes of baggy eyes and so it is important to find the right eye bag cream for the problem. Many times the problem is a major one and needs to be treated by a doctor. For others there are simple remedies that can be done at home, but it is still best to consult a physician if the problem is severe.

There are many things that cause eye bags. These range from diet to over exposure to the sun. While there are other factors that can contribute to eye bags, the causes are very well known and obvious. People have been making creams for years for this problem and have learned a lot of different ways to make them that help a great deal.

The most common type of eye bag cream is waterproof. These contain a mixture of ingredients that are designed to keep the skin moist so the bags do not form on the eyes.

One of the most effective kinds of creams is the one that does not come with fragrances. It does not smell like anything and therefore makes it easier to use. Also, if it is not pleasant to you, it will not work.

Apply it after taking a bath or shower. If it is too thick to spread on the eyes, just take it out and dab it lightly over the area. You can also just dab it on by itself. Make sure you follow the directions on the bottle or it may backfire and leave a greasy film on the area.

When using an eye bag cream that has fragrance in it, the best thing to do is to avoid anything that smells like the product. Remember to buy perfume and Cologne that are fragrance free. A good rule of thumb is to buy fragrances from other countries.

For younger people that suffer from eye bags, it is a good idea to use an eye bag cream that does not contain fragrance because they are sensitive to strong scents. Be sure to check the label carefully to see if there is any type of alcohol in the cream. Many teens and adults that have sensitive skin will get burns by using it with something that has alcohol in it.

If you are going to apply an eye bag cream to the entire area, you want to use a sponge instead of your hands. It is much easier to smear it on with a sponge than to rub it in the cream. Of course, you could try rubbing it on your hands, but it is much better to do it this way and get more control over the amount of cream you put on the area.

While some eye bag creams are meant to be used only once a day, others are meant to be worn all day long. They may last up to four hours in this case. If you are working around other people, use an eye bag cream that you are able to wear for a longer period of time.

Eye bag creams that are intended to be worn all day long are best for those that suffer from eye bags regularly. If you only get them sometimes, it would be best to use one that is meant to be worn all day. This will make sure that you do not get them in areas that do not usually get them. Also, it will not matter if you get them in these areas because you will be wearing it everyday.

Eye bag cream that is meant to be worn all day long may include prescription eye drops. Make sure to check the labels carefully before buying to make sure you are using the correct brand and strength. Also, make sure that you are taking the right dose and you are doing everything the bottle says to do. If youare not using the cream correctly, it will not help.

A good eye bag cream is not hard to find. Just make sure that you choose one that contains all natural ingredients.

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