Candid Cologne is a classic feminine fragrance. It has a blend of fresh jasmine, rose, sandalwood and vetiver.

Candid is available in a spray or splash bottle. This is a great way to try the perfume before purchasing a full size version.

Product Description

AVON Candid Cologne is the perfect balance of bold and feminine, with a top note of citrusy bergamot and a rich and heady tuberose. It’s also got a touch of sexiness from an exotic patchouli finish. It comes in a streamlined bottle that is as sleek as it is convenient to use. It’s a great way to add a little something extra to your cologne routine. The best part is that you can get it for the best price in the UAE from desertcart, one of the most reliable online stores.


The ingredients in Avon Candid Cologne include bergamot, jasmine, and tuberose. The fragrance also includes ylang-ylang, sandalwood, and vetiver. It is available in a cologne spray, and as body products. It was first released in 1977, and it has been relaunched as part of the Avon Classics Collection in 2016. This scent is very feminine, but it is not too sweet or overly flowery. It has a dry woody scent that can last for several hours. This cologne is perfect for women who want to smell fresh all day long. The scent is infused with alcohol, which makes it more lasting on the skin. It is best to keep the Candid perfume in a cool place away from heat and sunlight, as this can cause the scent to fade.


Avon Candid Cologne is a tropical feminine perfume that was first launched in 1977 and relaunched in 2016. It features notes of citrusy bergamot blended with rich and heady tuberose blossoms, and an exotic patchouli finish. It’s a great choice for women who want to make a bold statement about their sense of style. It’s an enticing scent that is sure to get you compliments on any occasion. Its packaging is eye-catching and unique, with a carousel-shaped bottle featuring horses and swans.

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