Flossing is an essential part of your daily oral care routine. It helps reach places your brush cannot, reducing plaque and food particles that lead to gingivitis.

Clinical studies have shown that incorporating an antimicrobial mouthwash like Listerine into your brushing and flossing routine can help reduce plaque above the gumline, bleeding and early signs of gingivitis even more than brushing alone.


Flossing is an important part of your oral hygiene routine and helps remove plaque between teeth to help prevent gum disease. Flossing should be done at least once per day, after brushing, to remove food particles and help keep your breath fresh. Flossing helps reach areas in-between the teeth and below the gum line where your toothbrush can’t easily get to.

There are many different types of dental floss available on the market including waxed, unwaxed and tape. Choosing the right type of floss for you and using it properly is important to your oral health. Your dentist or dental hygienist can help you decide which type of floss is best for you.

The Listerine UltraClean Access Flosser is designed to easily get to 100% of hard to reach places. It has a long handle with an ergonomic design that fits comfortably in your hand and a non-slip grip to help you easily reach back teeth. It also has high-tenacity yarn that withstands breakage. This flosser is mint flavored and does not contain mouth rinse ingredients.

The recommended way to use floss is to move it up and down against each tooth and clean below the gum line. Use caution when removing the floss to avoid injury to your gums or gum tissue. Using the proper technique, in conjunction with regular brushing and the right diet, can help you achieve a healthy smile. Incorporating a mouthwash into your brushing and flossing routine can reduce plaque above the gumline, bleeding at the gums and early signs of gum disease even more than just using dental floss alone.


Flossing helps remove plaque in areas your toothbrush can’t reach. It also helps fight bad breath. For the best results, use a fluoride toothpaste with floss and brush twice daily for two minutes each time.

In long-term clinical studies supervised by dental professionals, brushing and rinsing with LISTERINE Cool Mint Antiseptic, together with flossing, reduced gum disease symptoms more than brushing alone or a mouthwash and no floss combination. Specifically, brushing plus rinsing with LISTERINE reduced bleeding of the gums and plaque above the gum line more than brushing alone or a mouthwash only.

Listerine Ultraclean dental floss stretches and flexes, sliding easily between teeth for hassle-free cleaning. This shred-resistant, mint-flavored dental floss has Micro-Grooves technology to help remove plaque. Whether you have wide gaps or tight spaces, Listerine ULTRACLEAN dental floss can give your mouth a clean that lasts with a burst of fresh flavor.

After a thorough brushing, use a piece of floss about 18 inches long. Snip a section off the floss and hold it between your thumbs and index fingers. Gently slide the floss between each tooth, making sure it reaches below the gum line and between all the surfaces of each tooth. When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it around the base of each tooth to form a C shape. Continue this process for all your teeth. Be sure to gently touch the outer surface of each tooth and to brush your tongue, which fights bad breath and removes bacteria.

Using a proxy brush is another way to reach between your teeth and along the gum line. A proxy brush has a plastic handle and small heads with bristles held together by a wire that are designed to fit between your teeth. The brushes are available in a variety of sizes and can be purchased online, at many drugstores and at some grocery stores.

A regular dental exam and cleaning can help detect early signs of gum disease, including gingivitis. The best way to keep your mouth healthy is to maintain a brushing, flossing and rinsing routine combined with an oral health diet and professional cleanings. To schedule a dental exam and cleaning in the Miami or Coral Gables, Florida area, contact our team at Miami Designer Smiles today!


Your mouth is home to a thriving community of bacteria that help break down nutrients, regulate blood pressure, and fight inflammation. Known as your oral microbiome, it’s important to take care of these bacteria to keep them healthy and protect you from disease. Using the right mouthwash can help.

A mouthwash, or oral rinse, is a liquid that you hold in your mouth passively, swish around and then spit out. It typically contains antiseptic and other ingredients designed to reduce the bacterial load of the mouth, inhibit odor-causing sulfur compounds, and help prevent gingivitis and gum disease. However, it cannot replace brushing and flossing for complete oral care.

If you want to use a mouthwash, choose an alcohol-free formula. Alcohol can be drying and lead to more plaque buildup, which can cause stains on the teeth. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, look for a gentle mouthwash with fluoride.

When you use a mouthwash, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and timing. You should be sure to swish the liquid around all areas of your mouth for at least 30 seconds, and then spit it out. You can also gargle the mouthwash to help reduce bad breath or a sore throat. If you have sores in your mouth, speak to a dentist or dental hygienist before using it. They can recommend other treatments that will kill the bacteria causing them and help them heal faster.

There are many mouthwash products on the market, with countless combinations of ingredients. It’s difficult to know which one will be most effective for you, so do some research on the different options available to you. Many of these products contain antiseptics, abrasives, detergents, flavorings, preservatives, and water. Some of these ingredients can sting when you use them, so it is recommended to avoid mouthwashes that have a strong alcoholic content, especially for children.

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