dry skin help

When your skin’s natural oils are robbed or stripped by hot baths, harsh soaps, cold climates and other factors, it can become dry and flaky. Try these home remedies to help your skin regain moisture.

Coconut oil has emollient properties, which fill in the gaps between skin cells and make it smooth. It also improves hydration, according to one study.


If your dry skin is accompanied by itchy patches, you can try exfoliating it. A gentle scrub or facial cleanser containing AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids) can help remove the dead skin cells that are clogging pores and preventing your moisturizer from getting through.

AHAs are mild enough to use on all skin types, including sensitive. They can be found in many over-the-counter skin care products. You can also make your own face scrub with besan (gram flour), milk, and honey. Mix the ingredients until they form a paste, and then apply it to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat this face mask once or twice a week for best results.

You can also use a glycerin face pack to treat dry skin. This oil-based remedy is highly effective for reducing dryness and itching due to a deficiency of oils in the skin. You can also use glycerin to moisturize the skin, and improve its texture by promoting hydration and boosting collagen production.


Adding moisture to the skin can help it look and feel soft. Moisturizers are available in a wide range of products, including lotions, gels, and creams. Moisturizers work by putting water into the skin, preventing it from escaping, and coating the skin to prevent irritants such as dirt and pollutants from reaching the skin.

Moisturize often, especially after bathing and handwashing. Use a moisturizing soap and choose one that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

Apply the moisturizer while the skin is still damp, which helps plug gaps between dry skin cells and reduces itchiness. Avoid using harsh, itchy cleansers, and abrasive scrubs, loofahs, or pumice stones.

Keep in mind that scaly, itchy patches of skin may be signs of other health problems. If your scaly patches don’t improve after trying at-home remedies, talk to your doctor. They might suggest other treatment options, such as a prescription-strength steroid. You may also need to see a dermatologist if your patches are cracked or bleed easily.

Milk Compress

While there isn’t any clinical proof of this home remedy, applying cool dairy milk with a washcloth may help ease inflammation from sunburn. Soak a washcloth in some refrigerator-friendly whole or low-fat milk and press against your itchy spots for a few minutes. This is especially effective for severe pruritic eczematous eruptions and can provide relief until you see a doctor or get over-the-counter medications. You can find delicious dairy milk at Homestead Creamery!

We’re a locally owned and operated creamery.

Oatmeal Bath

An oatmeal bath is an old-fashioned home remedy for soothing skin, especially rashes, itching, and redness. It can also help relieve a sore bottom from diaper rash and reduce itching associated with chicken pox.

Oatmeal contains phenols and antioxidants that reduce itching and irritation, and it has a natural soap-like quality. This makes it a good choice for treating skin conditions like bug bites and poison ivy.

To use an oatmeal bath, fill your bathtub with lukewarm water. Add about half a cup of ground or colloidal oats to the water. Colloidal oats are finely ground and have been processed to be used for skincare instead of food, so they dissolve easily in water. They can be purchased at most drugstores and health food stores. You can also find commercially packaged oat bath products that are easier and less messy to use.

Be careful when getting in and out of the tub because the oats can make the surface slippery. Pat dry with a towel and immediately apply a fragrance-free moisturizer.

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