Original bath oil moisturizes and creates a bubbly, relaxing experience in the bath. It also works as a hair conditioner and helps with tangles.

It cleans grease and oils off of skin and hands. It soothes light sunburn. It can be used to clean candle wax off of skin and clothes.


Skin So Soft bath oil is a jojoba-infused luxury bath oil that can be used to treat dry, rough skin. Its moisturizing formula helps keep skin hydrated, making it silky smooth and soft. This product can be used for the body, hands and feet. Its herbal and botanical scent is relaxing. Avon has several versions of this bath oil, including the original version and a spray bottle.

This is America’s favorite bath oil*. The jojoba-infused bath oil opens your pores for maximum moisture absorption without irritating the skin. It can be used during your bath or as a body moisturizer afterward. It also has a wonderful aroma that will soothe your senses and relax you after a long day.

This product is a great addition to any spa treatment. It can be rubbed on the neck, shoulders, and hands to soothe tired muscles. It can also be used as a hair conditioner for dry, damaged hair. It will help moisturize your scalp and make your hair shine.

Another way to use this bath oil is to add it to the bathtub as a bubble bath. This will make your bath feel luxurious and relaxing. It can also be added to a foot soak to pamper your feet. It can even be used as a hand moisturizer after a shower.

If you are looking for a natural flea repellent, try adding 1 ounce of skin so soft to your pet’s bath. It will be effective against fleas for up to 6 days.

You can also use skin so soft as a lubricant for small mechanical devices, such as locks and hinges. It can also be used as a fabric softener, especially on delicate fabrics. You can even use it to clean brass ornaments and figurines.


Skin so soft bath oil is made with jojoba and vitamin E to nourish the skin. It is very light and absorbs quickly. It also contains skin conditioners, so it is very moisturizing for the body. It is also great for dry, itchy skin. The bath oil has a pleasant herbal scent that awakens the senses and relaxes at the same time. It is one of Avon’s most popular products because it offers so many benefits to the skin and the mind.

Avon has also developed a spray-on version of this product that can be used in the same way as the original bath oil. It has all of the same ingredients and has the same effect, but it is more portable and easier to use than the bath oil. It can be used on the skin throughout the day, and it can be added to lotions or other body care products to give them a boost of moisture.

This versatile product is a great addition to any bath and body gift basket. It can be mixed with other bath and body products to create a relaxing experience, or it can be used in aromatherapy. It can also be used to lubricate small mechanical devices, such as locks and hinges, or it can be used as a sewing machine lubricant.

It can be used as a massage oil to soothe sore muscles. It can be applied to the skin before showering or after a bath to moisturize it and help it retain its elasticity. It can be used to remove nail polish, and it can also be applied to the lips to make them feel soft and smooth.

It can be used as a bug repellent by mixing it with citronella, which is available in the health food store, to form a natural insecticide. It can be sprayed on plants to keep bugs away. It can also be sprayed on the screens of doors and windows to keep flies and mosquitoes out of the house. It can be used to clean leather shoes, and it can be rubbed on the hands to clean them of grease or paint.


Antioxidants are a great way to fight the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. They are also known to reduce inflammation and protect cells. Skin So Soft bath oil contains vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that can improve skin elasticity and boost moisture levels. The bath oil also contains sunflower seed extract, which is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

The body needs lots of nutrients to be healthy. Having the right balance of nutrients can help prevent health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. One of the best sources of vitamins is fruits and vegetables. The body can also get nutrients from many other foods, like eggs and dairy products. The best way to get nutrients is by eating a well-balanced diet.

Skin So Soft bath oil is a great addition to a diet because it can provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the oil can help prevent dryness and itchiness. It can also protect the skin from environmental stressors, such as pollution and UV rays.

While it was originally marketed as a bath oil, Avon’s Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil has several other uses. It can be used as a moisturizer, insect repellent, makeup remover, or massage oil. It can even be used to clean surfaces.

Bath oil: Add a few drops of the bath oil to your bathwater, and it will create a luxurious, spa-like experience. The oil will leave your skin smooth and hydrated, without leaving an oily residue.

Nail polish remover: Apply a small amount of the bath oil to a cotton ball or pad, and it will effectively remove nail polish. Lip balm: Apply a small amount of the bath to your lips to keep them moisturized and hydrated. Massage oil: Add a few capfuls of the bath oil to liquid soap, and it can be used as a massage oil.

Cleaning: Use the bath oil to clean leather shoes, remove stickers from surfaces, and lubricate tools and machinery. It can also be used as a mosquito repellent by spraying it around your home.


Original Bath Oil moisturizes and relaxes you during a bath or shower. This jojoba infused oil has an uplifting herbal and botanical fragrance. The uplifting scent will energize your senses while the moisturizing oil leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. The oil also doubles as a great bath and body massage oil for soothing tense muscles. This is a great addition to any bath and body gift baskets.

Aside from being a bath and body product, this oil has many other uses around the house. It cleans paint brushes, and can be used to remove gum from carpets. The oil can also be used as a natural insect repellent as it contains citronella, which is an effective mosquito and other insect deterrent. It can also be used as a makeup remover by drizzling a little on a cotton ball and wiping away makeup.

It is a good lubricant for small mechanical devices such as locks and hinges. It can also be used to lubricate sewing machines, making them run more smoothly. You can also use it to lubricate the tracks of sliding doors and windows. Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil can also be used as a substitute for turpentine for cleaning paint off of hands.

Add a few capfuls of the oil to your laundry in place of fabric softener to keep clothes silky and soft. Mix it with liquid soap for shaving, it helps the razor glide better and makes for a smoother shave. It can also be sprayed on tomato plants to help keep hornets and other insects from eating the fruit. This can also be sprayed on orchids and other flowers to help them retain moisture. It can even be sprayed on hummingbird feeder surfaces to deter bees. The oil can also be sprayed on outdoor furniture to protect it from rain and other weather elements. Adding a couple of capfuls to your watering can will also protect the furniture from mildew and dirt.

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